Effects of the Flipped Classroom on Learning Outcomes, Students' Motivation and Learning Strategies
The emergence of a pandemic has increased interest in the flipped classroom approach. The reason is that a flipped classroom can be conducted both online and partially in person, which is appropriate for a pandemic situation. The percentage of students who received D and E marks in probability and statistics courses after employing the flipped classroom method (odd semester 2020–2021) increased by 11.5%. This demonstrates that the flipped classroom method's adoption has resulted in lower student test results. Based on previous research, the flipped classroom approach influenced learning motivation and learning techniques, because the remote learning actually enables students to study independently during online sessions and engage in face-to-face discussions via video conferencing. Therefore, researcher want to implement flip learning in experiment class dan control class. A flipped classroom approach was used in the experiment, while a control class proceeded as usual and received the material during the lecture. In order to persuade the researchers that the ability of the students in the experimental class and control class was equivalent, students were first given a pre-test before receiving treatment with the deployment of the flipped classroom. There was no effect significantly on learning outcomes with and without flip classroom method, only the Self-Efficacy indicator from learning motivation and Metacognitive Self-Regulation from learning techniques are significantly different according to the Mann Withney test.
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