Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Perubahan Energi Melalui Praktikum Sederhana

  • Sinta Andayani Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Azahro Isna Mubarok
  • Elvona Agasthi Natarina Sanjaya Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Mei Laila Nugraini Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Ratna Dwi Aryanti Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Yuni Ratnasari Universitas Muria Kudus
Keywords: Energy Changes, Practical, Simple


Practicum in learning is an activity that needs to be done. In science subjects, most of the concepts learned are based on the results of experiments conducted. This practicum activity is very important to do, because it will be able to help students, especially in developing their understanding to be better related to science, develop their skills, and encourage their curiosity. This study aims to analyze the concept of energy changes through simple practicum. In this study using qualitative methods with a case study approach with data obtained from the results of simple practicum. Wind energy changes into motion in the context of toy cars from cardboard with balloons that have different sizes. While the concept of heat energy changes into motion in the context can be done by making spiral paper with different diameters with different sized candles The change into motion when the spiral-shaped paper is exposed to heat will rotate. The results showed that the wind in the balloon can move the car and there is a change in the motion of the toy car when given balloons of different sizes. While the spiral paper can move around on the candle and the size and width of the spiral size can affect the rotation of the paper.


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How to Cite
Aurelya, E. E., Andayani, S., Mubarok, A. I., Sanjaya, E. A. N., Nugraini, M. L., Aryanti, R. D., & Ratnasari, Y. (2024). Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Perubahan Energi Melalui Praktikum Sederhana. Jurnal BELAINDIKA (Pembelajaran Dan Inovasi Pendidikan), 6(2), 119-128.

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