Dampak Sumber Belajar Digital pada Minat dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Era 5.0
Era 5.0 demands transformation of learning with the use of digital technology. This article examines the impact of digital learning resources on students' learning interest and motivation. A literature review shows that digital learning resources such as educational videos, animations and simulations can increase students' interest and motivation to learn. Interactive, engaging, and easily accessible content can help students understand the material better and increase their participation in the learning process. However, it should be noted that digital learning resources cannot completely replace the role of the teacher. Teachers still play an important role in guiding and directing students in using digital learning resources. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the accessibility and quality of digital learning resources is guaranteed so that all students can benefit from them. Overall, digital learning resources have great potential to increase student interest and motivation in learning in Era 5.0. With proper and sustainable use, digital learning resources can help realize more effective and efficient learning in this digital era.
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